Millennial Peace Price Assignment

Please assist with the assignment below. Do not forget to elaborate on each choice. The assignment needs to be at least a page and a half or longer please but each person needs to be ranked with a strong rationale!

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Millennial Peace Price Assignment
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Millennial Peace Prize

Imagine your team serves as a committee working with the Nobel Peace Prize organization. You have been asked to award a $5 million Millennial Peace Prize to the Nobel laureate who has made the biggest impact on world peace in the new millennium. The organization has already created a shortlist of previous winners for you to consider. They are Jimmy Carter (2002), Sharin Ebadi (2003), Muhammad Yunnis (2006), and Barack Obama (2009). Please, rank order this list from your top choice to your last choice and provide a strong rationale for the ranking. Describe your process in making this decision.

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