My Cultural and Self Identity

Part 1: My Cultural and Self Identity

Use one full page to describe who you are by writing about:your ethnicity, how you see your self, or how you fit within your family, your family structure, your background, your primary language/s, traditions, values, and one thing that makes you proud of who you are.100 pts.

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My Cultural and Self Identity
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Part 2. Use one full page to describe your experiences with gender identity. For example, describe how your family raised you to understand your gender. Does a specific type of clothing, footwear, jewelry, accessories help you express who you are today? Does a certain behavior define who you are? Have you been challenged in any way because of your gender? 100 pts.

Part 3. Use a half/ page to describe one person in your life who has influenced you, and what did he/she do to help you become the person you are today? 50 pts.

Part 4. Use half/page to answer the following question. “Why is understanding self-identity important?” 50 pts.

Part5. Use a half/page and answer

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