Yesterday’s local newspaper, “The Journal News” (“LoHud.Com”), Saturday, 12/5/20, had most of the front page devoted to an article with the headline, “Stouffer’s Inn Fire: 26 People Died 40 Years Ago”. This is the arson fire that I told some of my classes about when explaining how hypnosis had been used by the police in criminal investigations. (I didn’t realize when I referred to it, that it had been exactly 40 years ago, in December of 1980.) I participated in that investigation by hypnotizing witnesses to the fire, and later testified, as an “expert witness” at the trial of Luis Marin, who was accused of starting it. The NY Times mentions me in this role in an article that appeared one or two years later during the trial. (Extra-credit for finding it, or for writing about this investigation.) . my professor wants a paper written about the topic above but please also write about hoe professor malve and hynpnosis played a major role in solving this case
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