Operations Management

Instructions for Alternate Assignment ( ASSIGNMENT 2)


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Operations Management
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Note :  This assignment is only for those student who could not participate in EDUGAME for valid Reason. 




Write Answers of following questions


Q.1   What is Operations Management? Write a note on Productivity.


Q.2   Solve One Example of  PRODUCTIVITY Calculation.


Q.3  Explain Delphi Method of Demand Forecasting


Q.4  Solve one example of Simple Moving Average , Weighted   

        Moving Average and Exponential Smoothing


Q.5   Explain Centroid Method of Facility Location


  1. 6 Solve One Example of EOQ and Reoorder Point


Q.7  Write note on Facility Layouts


Q.8  Solve One Example of Line Balancing


Q.9  Write note on Objective of Facility Layout


Q.10  Write note on advantage and disadvantage of different mode of Transport

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