Part 1: Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies (IMC) Examine the integrated marketing communication (IMC) strategies of your mentor company in action. Establish a significant global marketing campaign from your mentor company across multiple media (e.g., TV, print advertising, digital ads, social media ads, etc.).

Part 1: Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies (IMC)

  • Examine the integrated marketing communication (IMC) strategies of your mentor company in action.
  • Establish a significant global marketing campaign from your mentor company across multiple media (e.g., TV, print advertising, digital ads, social media ads, etc.).
  • Identify a campaign execution for at least four different types of media (at least one print and one digital).
    • Provide the URL link to the ad.
    • For each medium, provide a description of how its unique nature is being used to display the ad.
    • Explain what unifies the campaign across different media and makes it count as an IMC.
  • Identify another marketing communication activity from your mentor company other than advertising (e.g., PR, sales promotion, sponsorship, product placement, personal selling, direct marketing, etc.).
    • Describe in detail and provide a link to a visual component of the activity.
    • Compare it to the ad campaign you identified. Are they unified? Discuss one strength and one weakness of this marketing communication activity.

Part 2: Global Brands, Cultures and Advertisement

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Part 1: Integrated Marketing Communication Strategies (IMC) Examine the integrated marketing communication (IMC) strategies of your mentor company in action. Establish a significant global marketing campaign from your mentor company across multiple media (e.g., TV, print advertising, digital ads, social media ads, etc.).
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  • Select two advertisements for the same product and from the same medium but targeted for a different country (e.g., a magazine ad for Pepsi in the US and in China, both from same campaign or a digital ad banner for Colgate toothpaste in the UK and in Saudi Arabia). Include a copy of those advertisements in your work and provide a brief explanation of the ads.
  • Examine how these advertisements reflect the two cultures.
  • Discuss your position in the standardized vs. localized debate.
  • Explain what kind of appeal is used for the ads and if you would choose a different appeal for it. Provide your rationale.
  • Examine the integrated marketing communication (IMC) strategies of your mentor company in action.
  • Establish a significant global marketing campaign from your mentor company across multiple media (e.g., TV, print advertising, digital ads, social media ads, etc.).

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