Personal Bioecological Model


This assignment will require you to create your own Bioecological Model. You will use Bronfenbrenner’s model and the information in our textbook to help guide your project. Please imagine yourself as a 5 year old child, and think about all of the things that impacted your development in each system: the microsystem, the mesosystem, the exosystem, the macrosystem, and the chronosystem. You can complete this assignment in any format that you would like. For example: drawing, song, poem, paper, video, etc. You will need to ensure that each system is explained thoroughly. You will write a 2-3 page paper to see how creating this model has influenced who you are today and how it has impacted your work with diverse backgrounds. Please include how your own background and upbringing has shaped/influenced the way you interact with students and families, and include how your upbringing created stereotypes and/or biases about particular groups of people. How will you overcome those stereotypes and/or biases?

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Personal Bioecological Model
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Personal Bioecological Model- New

Personal Bioecological Model- New

Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMicrosystem
2.0 ptsMicrosystem addressed thoroughly and creatively.

Microsystem must be described in detail. Should include specific examples of people/places that impacted development.

0.0 ptsMicrosystem not addressed.
2.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMesosystem
2.0 ptsMesosystem addressed thoroughly and creatively.

Microsystem must be described in detail. Should include specific examples of people/places that impacted development.

0.0 ptsMesosystem not addressed.
2.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExosystem
2.0 ptsExosystem addressed thoroughly and creatively.

Exosystem must be described in detail. Should include specific examples of people/places/things that impacted development.

0.0 ptsExosystem not addressed
2.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMacrosystem
2.0 ptsMacrosystem addressed thoroughly and creatively.

Macrosystem must be described in detail. Should include specific examples of social and cultural beliefs/values, etc. that impacted development.

0.0 ptsExosystem not addressed.
2.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeChronosystem
2.0 ptsChronosystem addressed thoroughly and creatively.

Chronosystem must be described in detail. Should include specific examples of changes over time that impacted development.

0.0 ptsChronosystem not addressed.
2.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReflection Paper
10.0 ptsYou’ve Got It!

All questions answered thoroughly and thoughtfully. Evidence of reflection on questions and the connections between your upbringing and who you are today. Evidence of reflections may include stories and examples.

5.0 ptsAlmost There!

3 questions answered thoroughly and thoughtfully. Evidence of reflection on questions and the connections between your upbringing and who you are today. Evidence of reflections may include stories and examples.

3.0 ptsKeep Working! You can do it!

2 questions answered thoroughly and thoughtfully. Evidence of reflection on questions and the connections between your upbringing and who you are today. Evidence of reflections may include stories and examples.

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