Preventing underage sex trafficking in the state of Wisconsin

The final product will be a narrative that will accompany online PowerPoint presentation. See Syllabus. Final Project
Students will choose a public health issue from the case studies provided and identify health
promotion activities that would address improving the health status of the population affected by
that particular issue.
Students will identify a health promotio
n model that shows evidence of
within the chosen population or on that particular health
Using different types of communication/educational strategies, social marketing
concepts, and health promotion tools, students will develop a heal
th promotion message
for their population or health
The final health promotion product will be presented online using the Voice Thread
The final project will have 7 components and each week you will complete a different step of the
plan, with the final plan due at the end of week #7. This final project will include a
narrative report and a PowerPoint presentation. The professor will provide a PowerPoint (PP)
template for students to use (You can also create your own PP) but the narra
tive report format
should follow APA guidelines. The PP should supplement the narrative report and be submitted
at the end of the course.
Final Project Weekly Assignments:
Milestone 1:
Choose/research population from the case studies provided. Specifically
your target audience.
Milestone 2:
Gather and report on the supporting data for the target audience and geographic
area you choose.
Milestone 3:
Identify a theory to use with your identified strategies. Set up a time with the
professor to discuss your final project, during week #4.
Milestone 4
: Flesh out key messages and highlight:

Key Messages

Action you want your target audience to




what are you trying to convey in your

Health Promotion
Milestone 5:
Test messages with focus group or Key Informants
Milestone 6:
Revise messages based on testing.
Milestone 7:
Final presentation via VoiceThread

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