Preventive Dentistry and Public Health

1. Service Learning Podcast:

Please watch the Service Learning podcast from the Fall 2018 semester by Dr. Willis. To access the podcast, go to the “Dental Administrative Services” card on NYUHome. Next, click “Mediasite: Lecture Video Library.” On the toolbar on the left click “courses”, “2018-2019”, “DH”, “Fall 2018”, “Day Courses”, “Preventive Dentistry & Public Health”, and finally “Service Learning_11/19/2018.” The Service Learning lecture is the first half of this recording (no need to watch the second half, which is on Ethics).

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2. “Dollars and Dentists:”

Please watch the video “Dollars and Dentists” which can be at the following link:



After viewing the lecture and video, please write a short essay answering the following question: How can Service Learning in dental education reduce problems with access to care and disease burden? The response should be 1 page double spaced, with proper grammar. Please submit as a word document or PDF only. Nothing else will be accepted. Late submissions will not be accepted. Please see grading considerations below.



I. Content


A clear grasp of the topic material is displayed

The assigned topics were addressed

The assessment of the material was clear and precise


II. Organization

The main points were well organized, emphasized, and clear

The student’s point of view was clearly presented and argued

III. Writing errors


All words were spelled correctly

Proper grammar was utilized

Any factual information was cited in AMA format and had a reference list

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