Format: Essay must be 1.5 line spaced, 2.5 cm margins, left page alignment, 12-point font (Times New Roman or Arial) footer must have ID and page numbers. You must use Harvard Referencing, in-text citations and have a List of References at the end of the Blog (excluded from the word count).
Request: Write a 750 word blog post on: Connections at work and beyond, how making connections helps everyone
Your organisation has realised that as a large size organisation, networking, at the heart of operations will make it more effective. You have been asked to write a blog for the company newsletter. The outcome for this article is to encourage all employees at your firm to network and to help them to do so. Thus, you are selling the benefits of networking as well as encouraging its practice with a l little bit of “how to get started.”
Remember you are trying to influence other’s thinking and behavior. However, being a thought leader requires rigour and the ability to write for your ‘audience’. As Professional Skills and Ethics aims to equip you for your future as an informed responsible business professional, this blog is an informed piece (referenced) showing you understand the need for and how to network within organizations.
We expect you will link information about Emotional Intelligence to your argument
Marking Criteria: (please see marking rubric on Moodle for full descriptions of each criteria)
- Identifies and utilises resources to support analysis
- Structures text logically and coherently
- Communicates clearly and concisely
- Presents text professionally and references sources accurately
The two articles provided MUST be used as referenced in Harvard Referencing style:
Compulsory reference:
Casciaro T., Gino F., & Kouchaki M., 2016, Learn to love networking: Even people who find it repugnant can do it effectively, Harvard Business Review, May.
Requirements: 750 words, Harvard Format.