Psychology Motivation and Emotion

Each student is required to write a 5 page paper (title and references pages do not count as pages) using at least three (3) journal sources. The topic of the paper should come from the text. If the topic is covered in the text then it should be a good topic for your paper. Determine the theme and keyword of the research and find journal articles that deal with the same topic. Sociological and Psychological journals can be accessed through the library. Not all magazines are considered journals. Ask the librarian or your instructor whether the source journals are acceptable. Any paper with less than three pages or less than five references will not be accepted. An acceptable page consists of 20-23 lines using 12 font with 1 inch margins and typed. I count lines. The sources will be listed at the end using the APA style of annotating. Any quoted material must be placed in quotation marks to prevent plagiarism. Any quoted material must have the page number from the journal where it can be found. Any material that is not your own must be quoted or paraphrased and the source attributed to the author. Internet sources are rarely acceptable.

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Psychology Motivation and Emotion
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