Quantitative Content Analysis

For this lab assignment, you are going to answer the following question by analyzing newspaper articles: Which newspaper is most internationally oriented? You are going to examine three newspapers: the New York Times, the Guardians (UK), and the Age (Australia). Go to the New York Times website: http://www.nytimes.com Since there are so many articles listed at this website, you are going to focus on the articles listed at the top of the page (that is, the articles listed above the section titled “In Other News”. Also exclude the articles listed on the right-hand side under the title “Opinion”.). (Do not include the articles listed on the right-hand side in the section titled “Opinion”.) Ignore videos and ads.  For each article, decide if it is an article about international news (which is defined as news reporting events happened/happening abroad, such as the Syrian War, North Korean nuke testing, etc.) or other news. For this exercise, make your judgement based on the title (and a short description under the title, if it’s listed).  If a title is vague and you cannot make a judgment, classify it as “Other News”. Please keep in mind that the same news may be classified differently depending on which newspaper you are examining. For example, an article about the wildfire in California is not an international news if it is carried by the New York Times, but it is international news if it is carried by the Guardian or the Age.  if the article you examined is about international news, place an asterisk (*) in the column titled as “International News” in the table listed below. If the article is not about international news, place an asterisk (*) in the column tiled as “Other News”.  Once you have finished classifying the articles, count the number of asterisks for International news. List the number at the bottom of the column. Count the number of asterisks for Other news. List the number at the bottom of the column. Add the number of International News and the number of other news, and write the total number in the cell titled as “Total # of News”. Divide the number of International News by the total number of news. Multiply the fraction you got by 100. Write the number you got in the cell titled as “% International News”. w12L2 Go to the Guardian’s website: https://www.theguardian.com/uk?INTCMP=CE_UK Examine the articles listed at the top of the webpage (i.e., the articles listed above the “Spotlight” section).   The Guardian International News Other News             # of International News # of Other News Total # of News % International News         w12L3 Go to the Age website: http://www.theage.com.au Examine the articles listed in the “TOP STORIES” section.     The Age   International News Other News             # of International News # of Other News Total # of News % International News

39852724 minutes ago

w12r1 What is content analysis? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0__d1QsR04&feature=emb_logo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4stcNCBcNU&feature=emb_logo

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