Hollitz, Chapter 5, Secondary Source / Document 1
FOCUS on Unruly Americans and the Origins of the Constitution by Woody Holton (2007).
Critical Thinking Analysis (CTA
History 1301
In most history texts, the founding fathers are viewed as altruist men who established the Constitution to galvanize their ideals in a formal document “that all men are created equal.” But the question of motivation is usually valid in any events that deal with human beings. Could the motivation of the founding fathers be something different than what we have been taught? Did class divisions prompt the Founding Fathers to action? Do we fully understand the structure and mechanics of our government?
Make sure to actively and thoroughly READ Hollitz chapter 5, Motivation in History: The Founding Fathers and the Constitution. Pay close attention to the Secondary Source 1. Unruly Americans and the Origins of the Constitution (2007) by Woody Holton. Your assignment is to complete the Critical Thinking Analysis (CTA) rubric (2 to 3 pages in length). Be critical and use complete sentences to address each item. From the primary sources (pg. 94-109), select three primary sources that support the main conclusion by Woody Holton. In a paragraph for each source, indicate your reasoning for the selection.
I have loaded the rubric – Critical Thinking Analysis in this module. Remember that the “Important Information” will be the longest part of your CTA; Document 1 in Hollitz, Chapter 5 is a 7-page reading so you will have a rather long list of supporting evidence under “Important Information.” However, do not include every single little detail just to fill the page. You must demonstrate that you can pick out key information and explain it in a clear way.
This CTA on Hollitz, Chapter 5, Secondary Source / Document 1, will be approximately 2 ½ to 3 pages, double-spaced.