Recommending a Ted Talk


Write a blog entry/post recommending a Ted Talk:

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Assume that as someone in your field, you have your own blog in which you write about related topics. You can assume you are still a student or that you are working.


Explore the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) web site ( for a talk/presentation that interests you, and then write a blog (web log) entry recommending it to your readers.


The Ted Talks are presented at TED conferences by experts and innovators in their various fields (artists, scientists, academics, entrepreneurs…).  To quote the site: “TED is a nonprofit dedicated to Ideas Worth Spreading.”


Find a talk that is related to your program/career industry and that you think is worth sharing.

Post a link to the talk of your choice, and explain what it is about and why it appealed to you.  Your purpose is to convince others to check out the talk themselves.  Thus, your discussion should be easy to read and persuasive.


Brainstorm the topic by thinking about who, what, where, why, when, and how (use the suitable ideas/material from that process).Identify distinct reasons why others in your field (students or professionals) might find it a good site. Support main reasons with sub-points and examples.


Evaluation: I’ll mark the following in your assignment

  • Informative introduction to the talk
  • Concrete details/examples to support discussion
  • Persuasive, engaging style and tone
  • Grammar and spelling
  • Readable, clear, concise text (uses plain language, coherent and unified development, avoids wordiness…). Review writing techniques and use web writing notes.
  • Submission to SafeAssign only or attaching a file only in the Blog area (i.e. no actual blog post) will result in a maximum “D”
  • Posting a blog but not doing SafeAssign will result in a maximum B since I will have to submit it to SafeAssign myself


Note:Professional writing should be free of errors. This assignment will be posted in Blackboard, so remember that you will have readers other than the professor.

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