Redeem or Release the “Human”

Topic: As we have discussed thus far, the creation of races was an intentional project that resulted from the European Enlightenment and its philosophical, artistic, and scientific communities. In the documentary, “The Origins of Lynching Culture,” we see how the construction of race, and more specifically, antiBlackness, was a tool of power and control. In the short stories by Ellison and Gaines, the authors expose the horrors of living in a world of white supremacy domination. In “The Lived Experience of the Black Man,” Fanon analyzes how a Black man (he describes himself) develops a consciousness about being deemed non-human by whiteness. Finally, in my PowerPoint presentation, we unpack the theory of Chronopolitics of Man, to better understand how whiteness sharpens its tools upon Black and brown peoples and communities.

Writing Task:
In a well-developed, thesis-driven essay using two (2) of resources (5) in this essay respond to the following prompt:
What is whiteness and how does Fanon’s analysis of the Chronopolitics of Man expose the violence of whiteness upon Black communities and peoples?

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Redeem or Release the “Human”
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Excerpts from four stories, very short. One Youtube video (10:30)

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