Research Paper

Research Paper

Here are the guidelines for the Research Paper.

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  1. Your essay may be written by yourself or with one other partner. Make sure everybody’s name is on your paper!
  2. The Research Paper must be on a topic that you come up with yourself (or you and your partner) – although I am happy to give you help in this department.
  3. You need to adopt a thesis that is on the spectrum between explanatory and argumentative. Remember that a specific and focused thesis is the prerequisite for a good paper.
  4. If you are writing your paper on your own, your paper must be no shorter than 2250 words and no longer than 3000 words. You should try for a length of 2500 words.

In you are writing your paper with a partner, your paper must be no shorter than 3000 words and no longer than 4000 words. You should try for a length of 3500 words.

  1. If you are writing your paper on your own, you must include a minimum of 5 sources in your essay, a minimum of 3 of which must be academic, peer reviewed sources.

If you are writing your paper with a partner, you must include a minimum of 7 sources in your essay, a minimum of 5 of which must be academic, peer reviewed sources

Important: any paper which has fewer than the minimum ofproperly documented sources – which means both proper in-text citations and proper Reference Page entries – will fail. Any paper with serious plagiarism issues will receive a mark of zero.If you are working with a partner, you will both suffer the penalties for plagiarism – regardless of who is actually at fault! It is highly recommended that you submit your essay early to detect any plagiarism problem before the due date – after which, it will be too late!


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