This research essay of no less than 950 words and no more than 1,000 words. This assignment requires you to use secondary sources.
You must include at least three secondary sources in your essay. Your secondary sources must include recognized Austen critics. Be sure that you include among your secondary sources at least two critical articles dealing with Pride and Prejudice.
Since you will be using quotations and paraphrases from both your primary source (Pride and Prejudice) and secondary sources (articles and books on Pride and Prejudice), you must include parenthetical in-text citations—after the quotation in your essay, provide the page number(s) for print sources—and a Works Cited list. Also, remember to include the Norton Critical edition of Pride and Prejudice in your Works Cited list.
Remember to avoid turning your essay into a patchwork of quotations from different articles and books. Your thesis should be the controlling feature of your essay.
Research Essay Topics
Choose just one of the following topics:
1. Discuss the function and importance of letters in Pride and Prejudice.
2. Does Pride and prejudice reinforce or erode sexist stereotypes of women?
3. “Time and space are small in Pride and Prejudice.” Discuss the significance of critic Dorothy Van Ghent’s comment on the novel’s setting.