Response Essay

Response Essay

After watching Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s TED Talk “We Should All Be Feminists,” compose a 1000-word essay that responds to her claim. Should we all be feminists? Do your best to persuade me that your stance is the most reasonable position to take by using specific examples from the TED Talk, outside resources, or your own personal experience.

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Make sure to include:

  • A Thesis that directly answers the prompt and includes at least 3 specific details you will unpack in body paragraphs.
  • Body Paragraphs that directly relate to your thesis and include topic sentences, lines of evidence, and analyses.
  • An introduction that captures your reader’s interest.
  • A conclusion that wraps up your argument by articulating why your position matters to our culture at large.
  • MLA format with a works cited page.

The primary goal of this essay is to help you practice the structure of essay writing and to improve your ability of answering prompts succinctly with a detailed thesis statement. Make sure to review all of the materials from Unit 1 and 2 for any help you may need. The “Online Learning Resources” will also be a big help if you’re feeling stuck.

Essay Grading Rubric


The “A” Paper –

  • The “A” paper goes above and beyond what is expected of the writing prompt. The argument is meaningful and writing style enjoyable. As you would expect, the outstanding paper is well-organized, well-supported, and carefully documented. This paper leaves the reader satisfied with the writer’s argument and eager to re-read the paper. In addition, the outstanding paper leaves the reader with a feeling that he or she has learned something new through the reading of the paper. This paper, because of the enjoyable writing style, has very few grammatical, syntax, and MLA errors that distract the reader.

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