Using the readings, address the interplay between the self as researcher but also as the “object” of your studies as a means for deep critical self-reflection. Situate your own self in the context of history, family, community, identities and the process by which those have formed your own educational experiences. Please do not mention your personal race/ethnicity, but rather reflect on yourself in regards to your socioeconomic status, gender, family, and community.
4-5 double spaced pages, 12 size font, Times New Roman, APA citation format.
In the paper, address the following questions:
How and in what ways have various political and social identities worked to shape your perceptions of the world and your current work environment in relating to people who might be deemed different?
How would you work to interrogate your norms of understanding about power and privilege and places where you might be complicit?
What might be ways to make micro level changes for macro level transformations?
You may pull from the following readings.
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