(1) Following the lead of Herbert Gans (The Functions of Poverty), write a short essay about the functions of another social ill.
(2) You have read about the process of McDonaldization. For this question I want you to use Ritzer’s concepts to describe the McDonaldization of higher education.
(3) Globalization affects most aspects of contemporary social life. Using the chapter in Ritzer as your guide, identify both advantages and disadvantages (and for whom) of globalization.
(4) Theorizing is often linked to both developments in society at large and the individual-level experiences of theorists. With that in mind, discuss the emergence of theories such as Feminist Theory, Queer Theory, and Critical Theories of Race and Racism?
(5) Ritzer discusses what he calls Micro-Macro integration. What does that mean? Give examples. [2 points]
(6) Most sociological theories emphasize either structure or agency, but some of the theories discussed in this chapter attempt to integrate these two opposing theoretical orientations. What is the problem these theories need to resolve? [2 points]
(7) Anthony Giddens is one major theorist here – describe (as best as you can) his structuration theory? [2 points]
(8) Pierre Bourdieu is another major theorist – describe (as best as you can) his theory of habitusand field. [2 points]
(9) Jürgen Habermas is yet another major theorist – describe (as best as you can) his theory of the colonization of the life-world. [2 points]