Students will research and analyze one of the following topics and will write a 1 – 2 page summary in English. This activity will help students gain a better understanding and appreciation of the cultural, historical, or socio-political situations of a Spanish-speaking country as well as challenge personal assumptions about Hispanic cultures.
All topics must be directly related to culture from a Spanish-speaking country. The possible topics are:
Famous people from past and/or present, example: artist, architects, scientists, conquistadores, leaders, kings and queens, etc… NOTE: If you choose to research a famous person, make sure your assignment is NOT just a biography of the person. You need to include information regarding the historical or cultural importance and significance of the person.
Important historical events, past or present, relationships between the USA and other Latin-American countries.
Architectural styles, famous historical monuments, famous historical cities, archeological discoveries, etc…
Ancient cultures such as the Mayans, the Aztecs, the Incas, and/or different people from the rain forest.
Past and/or present social issues such as: drugs, drug trafficking, groups or cartels, poverty, deforestation, religions, the rights of the native people, illiteracy, education, etc…
Natural resources, wildlife, natural phenomenon.
Feel free to scan your textbook for inspiration!
(Look for the “Nota Cultural” and “A Leer” sections)
Criteria: In order to exceed the standard for this writing assignment the following criteria must be met:
The assignment must be neatly typed, double-spaced, 12 point regular font, one-inch margins, and 1 – 2 pages in length.
It should be well-organized, well written, and easy to read and understand.
Show strong evidence of reasoned reflection and depth (not just “copy and paste” information and facts from Google; I want you to tell me what you learned about your topic and how your topic impacts Spanish Culture)
Provide excellent support for claims
Be creative and original
Students may submit this assignment at any point in the semester. (All I ask is that you do not wait until the very end of the semester)
Click on “Submit Assignment” at the top right corner of the following page: Submission Page (Upload ONLY doc and docx files)