Statistics – Survey Creation and Summary

Paragraphs should be typed and written in complete sentences.  Please use project headings for each section.  Use Times New Roman, 12-pt font and double space.  Cite any resources in APA format.  Please note: up to 10% of the total points could be deducted for shortcomings in sentence structure and mechanics for written responses.

For this project, you will be creating a survey, collecting data using that survey, and then answering questions based on your data. Determine how you would like to collect at least 30 data points for your sample (attach raw data sheet to your project). You can create a survey and collect your data in Survey Monkey, in Google Forms, using Facebook, by hand in-person, or any other method to collect the data for your survey.

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Statistics – Survey Creation and Summary
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You need to include the following questions in your survey and come up with two additional questions on your own. You will have a total of seven questions on your survey.

✔ Enter your height in inches (note: 12 inches = 1 foot)✔ Enter your age✔ Enter your resting heart rate per minute (count the number of heart beats for 10 seconds then multiply by 6)✔ Number of times you exercise in a week✔ Favorite color

After you have collected your data, put the data in StatCrunch (in MML). You can also use Excel if you are familiar with it, to do the summary.


● How did you create your survey? What additional questions did you ask and why?● Have you ever created a survey in the past? Was it easier or harder than you expected? Why?

Data Collection:  

● Discuss how you collected your data. ● Do you believe this is a good sample or is the sample bias in some way? Explain.● Discuss limitations resulting from how you collected the data. Include any problems encountered while trying to collect the data.

Summary Statistics:  

● Find and report the measures of central tendency and dispersion for both the height variable and age variable you collected. Include the mean, median, mode, range, and standard deviation. ● Create a normal distribution using the 68-95-99.7 rule for your resting heart rate per minute  (you can neatly draw this by hand). Make sure you clearly label your mean and the other values making up your distribution. Between which two values do 95% of the data values fall?● Using the data you collected, find the Z-score for a resting heart rate of 63 beats/minute. Make sure you use the mean and standard deviation for your data when calculating the Z-score. Would a resting heart rate of 63 be unusual? Why or why not? ● Create a scatterplot (in StatCrunch) for age (x-variable) and the number of times you exercise in a week (y-variable). Does your plot suggest a relationship between the variables? If so, which type of relationship (positive, negative, or non-linear). Make sure your scatterplot is clearly labeled.● Determine the correlation coefficient between the variables in your scatterplot (find r). Find the equation of the regression line for age and the number of times you exercise in a week. Round m and b to two decimal places.● Estimate the number of times you exercise in a week if you are 20 years old, using your regression equation.● What percentage of your sample indicated blue was their favorite color? What color had the lowest percentage?● Summarize the additional questions you asked on your survey in any way you consider is appropriate.

Final Conclusion:

● After determining the summary and results, what was the biggest surprise? Explain.  Discuss what you have learned by doing this project.

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