One important aspect of Leadership is the ability to create and apply the Strategic direction of an organization. Strategy may be defined as careful plan or method with a coordinated set of actions with direction, the art of devising plans toward a goal.

While a strategic plan is multifaceted, the focus is to be on offering or creating value for the firm or customer. This is the only part of the strategic plan that you must present.

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The first part of your assignment is to present a summary of ATTITUDE CHANGE STRATEGY (i.e. changing cognitive, affective, and behavioral components). The summary should demonstrate an understanding of the major concepts.

Subsequent to the summary, present the details of how the strategy will deliver value to a firm or the customer. The strategic direction should lead to some organizational objective or success factor for the business (value); demonstrating the ability to achieve Strategic Competitiveness (successful formulation & implementation of a value-creating strategy).

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