Strengths and Weaknesses of Authoritarian Regimes

this a solid paper that you wrote but needs some editing


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Strengths and Weaknesses of Authoritarian Regimes
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– The Frantz book is an excellent source on these issues and you should use it.

– I don’t think that the majority of Authoritarian regimes are heredity personal rule regimes (page 4). Double-check this claim.

– You could be more concise on the advantages and disadvantages. The discussion of disadvantages, in particular is a bit rambling and less well presented…and less convincing as it stands. This is a key area to strengthen the paper.

– That will leave more time for the conclusion about the future of Authoritarian regimes. Its too quick…and I think you underestimate the ability of authoritarian regimes to use contemporary communication technologies to their advantage. Link this discussion to your evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of authoritarian regimes.

– Re-format the References page…don’t center each source. (And check on the format of in-text citations – always cite the first author of a work first.)


Paper is a good start, but it could be better.

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