Manuscript Format needs to precisely follow IEEE format. The Microsoft Word Template for US letter size can be downloaded here:
Page limit: 3 pages maximum. This is a hard limit; includes all of the sections including Figures, Table, and References section.
General Guidelines
*Strictly follow the above IEEE template (e.g. format, font size, reference format, etc…)
*Use proper grammar and spelling. Proof read, then proof read again.
*Use of figures, graphs, and tables are encouraged. However, do not over-use them.
*Clear, concise narrative is key to writing an excellent paper. Concise and to the point.
*Your research, and hence references, should rely primarily of peer reviewed journals and articles. Do not rely on information found on the internet.
Technical Guidelines
Write your research paper considering the following:
*Include a brief overview of the system and its applications.
*Discuss the functionality and overall design of the system:
-Control Architecture
*block diagrams
*operating parameters
-Key Mathematical basis for the system
-Transient response, steady-state response, and stability issues
*A discussion of the pros and cons of the way the control system was implemented. Are there any shortcomings, tradeoffs in the implementation?
*Future directions related to the system and its applications.
*Incorporating system of control material is required.