Test corrections

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For each question you missed:

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1. Re-write the question (include possible answer options if multiple choice)

2. Tell me what you answered

3. Tell me what the correct answer is

4. Explain how your understanding has improved and why you recognize the best/most supported answer as the best option. What did you mix up? Were you guessing? Be honest and help me understand that you actually understand what the correct answer is, and why it is correct.


IncorrectQuestion 1
0 / 2 pts
The central dogma of molecular biology states that the information contained within genes flows in which direction?

mRNA to DNA to protein

DNA to mRNA to protein

DNA to tRNA to mRNA to protein

DNA to DNA to protein

DNA to rRNA to protein

IncorrectQuestion 2
0 / 2 pts
This figure represents _____.



base pairing.



IncorrectQuestion 3
0 / 2 pts
For a DNA strand that contains the sequence AGTTC in the 5′ to 3′ direction, what nucleotides are found on the complimentary DNA strand in the 5′ to 3′ direction?






IncorrectQuestion 4
0 / 2 pts
Which base is found in DNA, but not in RNA?






IncorrectQuestion 5
0 / 2 pts
DNA replication makes a(n) ________ copy of the DNA strand, while transcription makes a(n) ________ copy of the DNA strand.






IncorrectQuestion 7
0 / 2 pts
Which of the following events in gene expression control does not occur in the nucleus?

mRNA processing

mRNA translation

binding of transcription factors

DNA transcription

chromatin condensation

IncorrectQuestion 8
0 / 2 pts
Female mammals form Barr bodies because

compacting the chromatin in one of their X chromosomes allows them to produce more gene product than a male from the other X chromosome.

unpacking one of their X chromosomes allows them to produce more gene product than a male.

compacting the chromatin of one of their X chromosomes allows them to inactivate it and produce the same amount of gene product as a male.

unpacking one of their X chromosomes allows them to choose which allele they wish to express, which a male cannot do.

compacting the chromatin in one of their X chromosomes allows them to conserve histone proteins.

IncorrectQuestion 9
0 / 2 pts
What is the hereditary material found in all cells?






IncorrectQuestion 10
0 / 2 pts
An intervening sequence of DNA that is not expressed is called a(n)






IncorrectQuestion 11
0 / 2 pts
In order to clone adult animals (reproductive cloning), scientists typically begin with (an)

enucleated sperm cell.

enucleated liver cell.

isolated sperm cell.

red blood cell.

enucleated egg.

IncorrectQuestion 13
0 / 2 pts
Cells from the root of a carrot may be used to generate an entire carrot plant. This illustrates that

a carrot’s roots contain all of the tissues of an adult plant.

every cell of the root contains all of the plant’s genes.

carrots may be used for therapeutic cloning.

plants are easier to clone than animals.

only cells of the root contain the plant’s genes.

IncorrectQuestion 14
0 / 2 pts
Which of the following is not
an application of polymerase chain reaction?

DNA fingerprinting of a crime scene suspect

amplifying mitochondrial DNA sequences

production of many copies of a piece of DNA

linking two DNA molecules together

making copies of a foreign gene for use in making recombinant DNA

IncorrectQuestion 16
0 / 2 pts
During recombinant DNA technology, what structure acts as a carrier for the foreign DNA?


DNA helicase

DNA ligase

polymerase chain reaction

restriction enzyme

IncorrectQuestion 17
0 / 2 pts
The study of comparative genomics has given researchers the ability to look at multiple genomes from different species, which has lead to new ideas about the evolutionary history of organisms. The conclusion is that

ancestral species contained very similar genomes, but modern vertebrate species have significant

differences in their genomes.

modern vertebrate species all evolved from the same ancestral species, but they have changes so that their genomes are very different in modern times.

modern vertebrate species all evolved from very different ancestral species, so there is little similarity between their genomes.

modern vertebrate species evolved from the same ancestors, and a large portion of their genome is conserved.

neither the ancestral species nor the modern one resemble each other genetically.

Question 20

IncorrectQuestion 22
0 / 2 pts
Chromosome 7 may lose an end piece resulting in Williams syndrome. This is an example of a(n)


epigenetic inheritance.




IncorrectQuestion 23
0 / 2 pts
Inversions are chromosomal mutations that

rarely cause deletions or duplications during gamete formation when crossing-over occurs.

result from duplication of a portion of a chromosome.

always result in a syndrome.

never disrupt gene regulation or cause physical abnormalities.

neither increase nor decrease the amount of genetic material in the cell.

IncorrectQuestion 24
0 / 2 pts
Rosalind Franklin _____.

Discovered the complimentary base pairing of DNA’s nucleotides via hydrogen bonding

Discovered that the amount of DNA varies in different species, but that the amount of adenine = thymine, and the amount of cytosine = guanine in each species she evaluated

Was a lead scientist that successfully produced Dolly, the first cloned animal

Produced diffraction images that were critical in the discovery of DNA’s double helix structure

Was a pioneer of Crispr Cas9 gene editing technology

IncorrectQuestion 25
0 / 2 pts
The Hershey-Chase experiment _____.

Showed that gene therapy treatments could not be performed on an adult individual.

Demonstrated that each tRNA molecule carries a unique amino acid

Demonstrated the unique proportional relationship of nitrogen containing bases in DNA (amount of A = T and amount of C = G)

Showed that viruses transmit DNA into an infected cell

Suggested that the molecule structure of DNA is a helix


IncorrectQuestion 27
0 / 2 pts
Mutations are relatively uncommon because

transposons are constantly moving throughout the genome.

DNA is able to repair itself over time.

frameshift mutations occur very frequently.

DNA repair enzymes often repair errors.

physical mutagens such as X-rays seldom damage DNA.

IncorrectQuestion 28
0 / 2 pts
During DNA replication, the original strand (ATTCGCGATTTA) was replicated as (ATTCGGATTTA). What type of mutation is present?




None of these mutations have taken place.


IncorrectQuestion 29
0 / 2 pts
A population of bacteria that cause ear infections have increased in resistance to antibiotics over time. Which of the following is the selective agent?



the ear infection

increased resistance

the human ear

IncorrectQuestion 30
0 / 2 pts
Thomas Malthus influenced Darwin’s thinking relating which criteria of natural selection?

the earth is very old as evidenced by fossils found in different layers of rock

there are not enough resources to support a continuously growing population

populations must vary in their traits, and their variations must be passed from parent to offspring

that parents pass traits to their offspring that they acquired during their lifetime

the processes that shape the Earth occur uniformly around the globe.

IncorrectQuestion 31
0 / 2 pts
Wings of insects and birds are results of convergent evolution. This means that _____.

insects and birds have each independently evolved structures that serve the same function (flight) but have done so in very different ways.

these organisms share a recent common ancestor and so have similar adaptations.

the insects and birds must be closely related to possess such similar qualities.

these organisms have different adaptations to different environments.

insects must have evolved from birds.

IncorrectQuestion 32
0 / 2 pts
Labrador, Poodle, Chihuahua, Great Dane, and German Shephard were all derived from a single wild species. This diversity of dogs seen today is a result of _____?



artificial selection.

natural selection.


IncorrectQuestion 36
0 / 2 pts
The molecule cytochrome c
supports the theory of evolution as biochemical evidence. Which of the
following is not part of that evidence?

Cytochrome c plays a role critical to survival.

Cytochrome c is found in a variety of organisms from yeast to humans.

Cytochrome c has independently evolved many times among various species.

The genetic code for cytochrome c differs among species.

Cytochrome c has the same function in all organisms.

IncorrectQuestion 37
0 / 2 pts
is a transitional fossil representing the link between which groups of animals?

reptiles and amphibians

fish and reptiles

fish and mammals

reptiles and birds

amphibians and mammals

IncorrectQuestion 38
0 / 2 pts
Which of the following cannot
be determined from the fossil record?

Transitional fossils exist.

Evidence of prior natural disasters/catastrophes exist.

Diversity has changed through time.

Evidence of every species that ever existed.

IncorrectQuestion 39
0 / 2 pts
Which of the following individuals would be considered the fittest?

the individual that has the greatest number of offspring

the individual that has the greatest number of breeding opportunities

the individual that has the best camouflage to avoid predators

the individual that has the longest canine teeth

the individual that controls the largest territory

IncorrectQuestion 40
0 / 2 pts
Who simultaneously developed a hypothesis relating to the “survival of the fittest” while Darwin was processing his data and organizing his book, “On the Origin of Species”?

Alfred Russell Wallace

Georges Cuvier

Thomas Malthus

Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

Alexander Chargaff

IncorrectQuestion 41
0 / 2 pts
If people with freckles preferentially mate with other people also possessing freckles, this would be an example of _____.

gene migration.


artificial selection.

nonrandom mating.

genetic drift.

IncorrectQuestion 42
0 / 2 pts
Which of the following is most likely to result in the formation of two distinct species?

disruptive selection

genetic drift

stabilizing selection

directional selection

IncorrectQuestion 43
0 / 2 pts
In the figure shown here, petal color of a flower population is distributed in a bell-shaped normal curve. If the pink petal color abundance increases in frequency in the population and the abundance of white and yellow flower individuals decreases in the population, this would illustrate _____.

genetic drift.

disruptive selection.

directional selection.

stabilizing selection.

IncorrectQuestion 44
0 / 2 pts
In random mating

breeding occurs between two different subspecies.

fertile offspring are not produced.

there is no factor influencing mate choice.

individuals choose the most attractive mate.

breeding occurs between two different species.

IncorrectQuestion 45
0 / 2 pts
environments that influence natural selection include all but which of the following?






IncorrectQuestion 46
0 / 2 pts
In what type of environment is being heterozygous, in regards to the sickle-cell trait, an advantage?

an environment that is degraded

an environment that is cold and rainy

an environment that has malaria

an environment that is malaria-free

an environment that is exposed to a large amount of sunlight year-round

IncorrectQuestion 48
0 / 2 pts
Microevolution is the term that applies to which of the following?

changes of any scale within microorganisms

small-scale changes over a short period of time

small-scale changes over a long period of time

large-scale changes over a long period of time

any evolution at any scale
















PartialQuestion 49
2 / 4 pts
Match the following descriptions to their associated molecule (1 point each).
1.nucleic acid found only in the nucleus of a cell

I answer : DNA

2. nucleic acid provided a protective cap and a poly-A tail before exiting the nucleus of a cell
I answered: tRNA

3. nucleic acid that, coupled with various proteins, comprises the ribosomal subunits necessary for the process of translation
I Answered: rRNA

4.nucleic acid characterized by a specific anti-codon sequence and amino acid
I Answered mRNA


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