For this paper, you will be writing on The Odyssey by Homer.You must include MLA formatted in-text citation and a works cited page. I expect to see detailed evidence taken from one (or both) of the versions posted in the notes. No other sources are required but if you use any outside sources (even Wikipedia, Spark Notes, or other homework helper type websites) be sure to cite them.
Choose One of these topics:
1. Frequently, in The Odyssey, good advice is offered and not taken, and disaster and suffering result. Discuss what we can learn from these follies.
2. What is the role of females in the Odyssey? Taking into consideration such characters as Penelope, Circe, Athena, the Sirens, and Anticlea (Odysseus’ mother), discuss how women are portrayed. What do learn about women?
3. What is the importance of the family relationships in the Odyssey? Thinking about what the story presents about the relationships between Odysseus and Laertes, Odysseus and Telemachus, and Polyphemus and Poseidon, describe what characteristics of family are key.
4. Hospitality, the concept of welcoming visitors and treating them well, was important to the Ancient Greeks. Find examples in the Odyssey of times when the “rules” of hospitality are followed and times when it wasn’t. What role did these examples play in the epic?
5. What is the theme of the poem? How do you know?
This paper should be MLA formatted, 3-5 pages and include a works cited.