The scope of nursing practice

For this discussion, you will define the nurse’s scope of practice as described by the ANA. You will also define the nurse’s scope of practice in your own state/country ( OHIO, ) (if you are an international student use your own country). Next, you will explain a clinical scenario that demonstrates how you have applied this scope of practice successfully (from start to finish – a complete example for full credit). Finally, you will explain why all nurses should have a functional knowledge of their own nurse practice act. This assessment is aligned with the course objective 3 and the module objectives. Please organize your discussion board as follows:


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The scope of nursing practice
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Paragraph 1: Introduce your discussion board with a general statement about the discussion board, then a purpose statement. A purpose statement starts with: The purpose of this posting is to discuss , then the key elements of what you are going to discuss. This paragraph should define the nurse’s scope of practice as defined by the American  Nurses Association. This will cover the objective of: Define the nurse’s scope of practice as defined by the American Nurses Association.


Paragraph 2: You will also define the nurse’s scope of practice in your own state. This will vary between states. This will cover the objective of: Define the nurse’s scope of practice as defined by that nurse’s own state’s nursing law.


Paragraph 3: Next, you will explain a clinical scenario that demonstrates how you have applied this scope of practice successfully (from start to finish complete example). Finally, you will explain why all nurses should have a functional knowledge of their own nurse practice act. End the paragraph with a conclusion sentence or two that summarizes your thoughts.


Your initial post must be posted before you can view and respond to colleagues, must contain minimum of two (2) references, in addition to examples from your personal experiences to augment the topic. The goal is to make your post interesting and engaging so others will want to read/respond to it. Synthesize and summarize from your resources in order to avoid the use of direct quotes, which can often be dry and boring. No direct quotes are allowed in the discussion board posts.


Post a thoughtful response to at least two (2) other colleagues’ initial postings. Responses to colleagues should be supportive and helpful (examples of an acceptable comment are: “This is interesting – in my practice, we treated or resolved (diagnosis or issue) with (x, y, z meds, theory, management principle) and according to the literature…” and add supportive reference. Avoid comments such as “I agree” or “good comment.”


Points: 30


Due Dates:


Initial Post: Fri, Sep 4 by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) of the US.



Initial Post: Minimum of two (2) total references: one (1) from required course materials and one (1) from peer-reviewed references.

Response posts: Minimum of one (1) total reference: one (1) from peer-reviewed or course materials reference per response.

Words Limits


Initial Post: Minimum 200 words excluding references (approximately one (1) page)

Response posts: Minimum 100 words excluding references.






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