This assignment has 2 parts.

This assignment has 2 parts.


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This assignment has 2 parts.
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Q1 Post an executive summary of your Comprehensive Project in the body of a post in this Discussion Board (do not use attachments). An executive summary is a 10% synopsis of a larger document that outlines the purpose, planned processes, actual processes, findings, and recommendations for the project. Chief executive officers (CEOs) often read and assess executive summaries before deciding to read entire reports. Consequently, the summary must be a high-quality narrative that demonstrates the significance of the work, addresses all the important issues being undertaken – the seven GP questions are important issues – shows, the objectivity of research and analysis underpinning the report, and establishes the credibility of the resulting conclusions.  (GP-Related, Specific Information Required)

Q2 Please review the executive summaries of other students, and provide an objective assessment and constructive feedback that will help strengthen the effectiveness of their efforts and the quality of their finished reports. (opinionated)


Please note, the unit 4 DB Q1 states, “Post an executive summary of your Comprehensive Project in the body of a post in this Discussion Board (do not use attachments). An executive summary is a 10% synopsis of a larger document that outlines the purpose, planned processes, actual processes, findings, and recommendations for the project. Chief executive officers (CEOs) often read and assess executive summaries before deciding to read entire reports. Consequently, the summary must be a high-quality narrative that demonstrates the significance of the work, addresses all the important issues being undertaken – the seven GP questions are important issues – shows, the objectivity of research and analysis underpinning the report, and establishes the credibility of the resulting conclusions.”

You will note the assignment question itself says, ” . . . a 10% synopsis of a larger document that outlines the purpose, planned processes, actual processes, findings, and recommendations . . .  addresses all the important issues being undertaken – the seven GP questions are important issues . . .”

Consequently, both the five ES issues and the seven GP questions are a required part of this ES. See the Executive Summary Guidelines post for more information.

Seperate question

What is the difference in content between an executive summary, an informative abstract, and an introduction?

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