To express how well you are retaining and analyzing the information and ideas that are presented in the assigned readings and class lectures, you will be completing two Analytical Essays (3-5 pages). To garner the highest possible score on each of these Analytical Essays, you must draft a clear thesis statement in the introduction to each of your Analytical Essays, and you must substantiate that thesis by referencing and analyzing specific information and ideas that are covered in the class readings, lectures, and/or media presentations.
In other words, it will not be enough to simply type, “I think that….” You will have to denote specific details from the lessons and explicitly cite the book pages, speeches, documentaries, and/or other sources you will be using to argue why your thesis is correct. (See syllabus pages 9-13 for the General Tips for Writing College-Level Essays and the Analytical Essay Evaluation Rubric that I use when grading your written responses.)
Each of the Analytical Essay questions is detailed in an assignment link within the “Assignments & Activities” folder for the Module that a particular essay is due. In addition to submitting a hard copy of each essay, you must submit a Microsoft Word-formatted electronic copy in the proper link in the Assignments & Activities folder.
Respond to the below query:
How similar and different are the issues faced by and tactics used by proponents of the Black Power Movement of the late-1960s from those faced by and used by proponents of the modern-day #BlackLivesMatter movement? And, what do the similarities and differences in public responses to those movements during their respective eras reveal about racial progress in America?