Use of Nutrition and Activity Education to Improve Outcomes for AdulT

Provide a summary of the study, including the purpose and research questions:

Summary – B&S – brief

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Use of Nutrition and Activity Education to Improve Outcomes for AdulT
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Purpose – 3 – 4 sentences


Describe briefly how this study will contribute to existing knowledge in the field:



Specify how you will gain access to, recruit and select your subjects? Describe when, where and how participants will be contacted. How will potential participants be initially identified? From what sources will participants be identified

Describe the steps that will be taken to minimize risks or harms and to protect the welfare of participants. Include a description of how you will handle an adverse or unexpected outcome that could be potentially harmful against any risk.

Describe in detail and in sequence the study procedures that involve human participants, including tests, treatments and research interventions

Describe any benefits that individuals may reasonably expect from participation

Describe any anticipated benefits of this study to society, academic knowledge or both.

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