What is illegal immigrant’s effects on United States society

This is an informative, formal essay, designed to focus on entering into an existing discourse community and explain the significance of an ongoing discussion. The following are the learning objectives for this assignment:

  1. Students will learn to evaluate source material.
  2. Students will learn to analyze existing discourse for meaning and significance.
  3. Students will learn to compare and contrast expert viewpoints in existing discourse.
  4. Students will learn to explain unifying principles between varied source material.
  5. Students will learn to follow the conventions of MLA in documentation.

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What is illegal immigrant’s effects on United States society
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Word count is 900 to 1000 words

Instructions: In this essay, students will identify the existing discourse surrounding our research question (in this case, preparing leaders). The primary goal of a literature review is to do precisely what the name states: Review the literature on the subject. This means you need to go out and discover source material related to our paper. The overall goal here will be to eventually identify what you consider to be an issue-at-hand related to our topic, or problem that must be solved by the research.

How you approach this topic is up to you! You must, however, include at least two original sources you’ve discovered, related to your own research on the subject. These sources should be primary or secondary sources, preferably discovered through one of the online databases of scholarly peer reviewed journal articles.

This is designed to be an informative essay; rather than persuade the audience to follow a course of action to solve the problem, you will determine the current existing conversation on the subject, and use that to accurately identify the issue-at-hand. The key here is to find expert thoughts on the subject, rather than simply find common thoughts. As often as possible, it’s best to avoid personal insight except to explain the significance of expert opinions on the subject matter. This doesn’t mean that you can’t provide an opinion here; it simply means that your opinion is related to how the source material is useful in understanding the subject. Again, the goal here is to demonstrate your understanding of the existing discourse community; we’re not here to argue a point yet, but rather to report on what is being said about your topic.

Research Requirements: This assignment requires at least two documented sources (either a primary source or a secondary source). You are forbidden from just using reference material or tertiary sources (dictionaries, encyclopedias, Wikipedia, Ask.com, or other reference sites). You are forbidden from using news or news magazine articles (Time Magazine, The Atlantic, daily newspapers, etc.). You are forbidden from using personal interviews and blogs.

Use of forbidden sources will result in an automatic “0 score” on the research and documentation portions of the assignment. Students may use the following: books from the library, reputable organizational web sites, academic web sites, government web sites, and professional journals. We will be using eighth edition MLA documentation (in-text parenthetical citations and a Works Cited page) for this essay.

MLA Format for an Essay: For this assignment, I expect you to follow the conventions for MLA format. This means that your essay should have the following formatting guidelines:

  • 12 Point Conservative Font (e.g. Times New Roman)
  • Double-Spaced
  • Header with four items (your name, professor’s name, course name, and date assignment is due)
  • Centered title (not bolded, underlined, or italicized; same font size as the body of the essay)
  • One inch margins (top, bottom, left, and right)
  • Your last name and page number (for example: Doe 2) in the upper right hand corner (0.5 inch from top right hand corner; use the insert page number function on
  • Introduction:.Introduce your topic by giving background information. Prepare reader for rest of literature review by defining key terms. You could begin by stating why this idea is considered important or relevant for the society at large. Briefly summarize what has been written about your topic and make topic generalizations: What is the current state of knowledge and or opinions concerning your topic?Body Paragraphs: Divide the body of your literature review into as many paragraphs you feel are needed (usually about 2-5). When organizing sources for a literature review, think about how your sources relate to one another logically. Do they follow a clear progression that makes a chronological organization the most logical? Do they group by author’s perspectives? By themes or trends? Organize the body of your literature review according to types of connections, themes and trends. Summarizing the themes and trends shows that you understand how the pieces in your review relate to one another and provides readers with an overview of their significance. In addition, you might want to look for any ways that sources diverge or disagree. Use your summaries in your Research Portfolio to help you organize and synthesize your sources.Conclusion: What do you want your audience to take away from your literature review? What do you want them to remember? You could end by noting the implications of your literature review, reminding them of why the topic matters. You could also summarize your main points.

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