What is the Mind-Body Problem

1. Write about a claim from the videos that you found surprising. You should paraphrase the claim and any arguments or evidence that the author of the claim provided in support. Then you should say why you found the claim surprising. Would someone with an opposing viewpoint to your find the claim less surprising? Explain.

2. Very often the people being interviewed in our videos give arguments to support their conclusions. An argument is a series of premises that are supposed to provide reasons for accepting the conclusion. Describe, in detail, an argument from the video for a conclusion you disagreed with. Say what you think might be wrong with the argument. Do the premises fail to deductively entail or inductively support the conclusion? Or is a premise outright false? (Note well: stating that you disagree with the conclusion does not tell me what is wrong with the argument).

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What is the Mind-Body Problem
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3. Now identify an argument for a conclusion you are inclined to agree with. Describe the argument. Since you agree with the conclusion, you have a motivation to defend the argument. Think about how someone might attack the argument and try to preempt their attack.

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