The objective of this project is to use the Riverbed Modeler Academic Edition simulator to investigate the performance of 802.11 with changing parameters and numbers of users.
Riverbed Modeler is a simulation tool that is widely used in industry to simulate protocols and networks to assess performance and resource needs.Riverbed Modeler is available free as its academic edition.The program is only a Windows-based program, but it may be run on a Mac with a Windows emulator or in a Bootcamp partition with Windows installed.
Download the program file from Canvas and remove the .TXT ending. (if you have riverbed modeler better if not, you can use mine)
One report is required per team. Your project report should be submitted to the link provided on the Canvas site.
Only provide the exact information requested. An overall report is not expected.
Task 1:Riverbed Modeler Tutorials
Download the Riverbed Modeler Tutorial document on Canvas. Go through the tutorial. The actual path for the example network is
“Program Files/Riverbed EDU/17.5.A/models/std/example_networks/ RIP.project/RIP”.
Once opened, look under “Scenarios/Switch to Scenario/RIPv1**please read rest of the assignment in the word document below**