In a separate word document you will provide a report discussing the pros and cons of each item from a technical perspective along with the pros and cons from a cost vs benefit perspective and finally your reasoning behind why you decided on a particular component. Your report will be no more than 10 pages and no less than 6 pages excluding the title pages and other items such as references, table of contents etc (a table of contents is not required). with one inch margins, double-spaced, on 8.5×11 inch paper, fonts no smaller or larger than 10 points in Times New Roman font style. To support section titles and headings the report can include different font sizes and styles (e.g., bold, italic). However, gratuitous use of alternative fonts and formatting is not encouraged. Page numbers must appear on every page following the cover page (the first page after the cover page should be page number one). The cover page must include a title, your name, the due date for the assignment, an email address where you can be contacted, and at least one relevant graphic
Format: One inch margins, double-spaced, on 8.5×11 inch paper, fonts no smaller or larger than 10 points in Times New Roman font style. This report should include several different font sizes and styles (e.g., bold, italic) to demonstrate the use of this functionality. Gratuitous use of alternative fonts and formatting is not encouraged. Page numbers must appear on every page following the cover page (the first page after the cover page should be page number one). The cover page must include a title, your name, the due date for the assignment, an email address where you can be contacted, and at least one relevant graphic.