Write a Memoir in MLA format

Assignment: A Personal Narrative/Memoir (800 words minimum, up to approx. 1200 words)

A memoir is a personal story that explores something significant in your past. What makes it significant is the connection you have to people, places, and events—it does not have to be an important occasion or a momentous event; it could be something small or simple that nevertheless made a big impact on your life.

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Write a Memoir in MLA format
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Use vivid details to make the story interesting to your readers, and include some kind of conflict that caused this to become a personal learning experience. The examples of memoirs we read should serve as inspiration for what makes a good narrative essay. The focus of the essay should be the essence of what was learned or gained by this experience.

This essay will need to be submitted in MLA format. See example: MLA Sample Paper.pdf

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