You will analyze your selected case using the RESOLVEDD strategy from Ethics on the Job. You can see a sample analysis in the book related to the Gatsby case. Additional samples are in chapter 5. Other sections that are especially helpful are the checklist (p. 47-50) and tips (p. 64-65). It is common to change your position as you think about the case. Therefore, do NOT reach a decision until you have completed your analysis.

You will analyze your selected case using the RESOLVEDD strategy from Ethics on the Job. You can see a sample analysis in the book related to the Gatsby case. Additional samples are in chapter 5. Other sections that are especially helpful are the checklist (p. 47-50) and tips (p. 64-65). It is common to change your position as you think about the case. Therefore, do NOT reach a decision until you have completed your analysis.

When completing the written analysis be certain that you:
– do not exceed 6 pages (minimum 3.5)
– follow the RESOLVEDD strategy
– address the ethical principles involved
– maintain your role as assigned in the case
– organize with headings (see Guffey pages 431-433)
– adhere to standard format (Times New Roman font 12; 1″ margins; block paragraphs; single-spaced)
– edit closely (use the yellow spot draft method)

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You will analyze your selected case using the RESOLVEDD strategy from Ethics on the Job. You can see a sample analysis in the book related to the Gatsby case. Additional samples are in chapter 5. Other sections that are especially helpful are the checklist (p. 47-50) and tips (p. 64-65). It is common to change your position as you think about the case. Therefore, do NOT reach a decision until you have completed your analysis.
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Past students have sometimes had difficulty with the Values and Defense sections. Please remember that you need to explore the specific values (rights/principles) that are being upheld and/or violated by each solution. Also, when defending your solution, do not just state the weaknesses; instead, you should acknowledge the weaknesses and explain how the selected solution is still the best choice.

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