
You are required to submit a research paper on one of the project management topics listed below. The intent of this paper is for you to delve deeper into a particular topic, synthesize the material in a concise manner, and demonstrate critical thinking. It is about you ADDING VALUE to course content, not repeating it. Think of it as a mini literature review with an organizational example included to consider the usefulness of scholarly work.

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This is primarily about reporting back on what the literature says – it is not an opinion piece. You are encouraged and expected to critique the literature (what you think of it), but you must FIRST tell about the theory and the research, then you can offer your opinion on it and how it applies to you. The analysis paper should address a majority of the project management processes discussed throughout the course in each unit’s Discussion.

The paper is to follow APA rules and guidelines.
You must have at least 4 academic sources, maximum two of which can be a textbook; the remaining must be peer-reviewed articles.
The paper is to be 2500 (+/- 250) words in length.
The paper must have a title page and a separate page for references at the end. It is expected that the introduction comprises no more than 10% of the paper, the research body is to be roughly 70% of the paper, and the remaining 20% to be conclusion with application/reflection.
Approved Project Management Topics for the Analysis Paper:

Developing High Performance Project Teams
Organizational Change Management with Project Management
Leadership within Agile Project Management
Developing Leadership Behaviours within Project Management
Effective Project Management Communications
Managing Project Stakeholders

The Final Analysis Paper will be marked in its entirety out of 100. The following rubric indicates the criteria students are to adhere to, and their relative weights to the assignment overall.

Activity/Competencies Demonstrated

% of Final Grade


Critical Analysis and Research (60%)

a. Depth of background summary (supported by research)


b. Appropriateness of research (academic)



Communication (30%)

a. Uses language clearly and effectively


b. Information organized intelligently and holistically


c. Proper introduction and conclusion to paper



Attention to Detail (10%)

a. APA Referencing and formatting (title, headings, and references)


b. Spelling and grammar




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