TERM PAPER: Topics – Compare and Contrast Major Fires in One (1) of the following areas:
• Nightclub Fires
• Conflagrations
• Highrise Fires
• Urban Wildland Interface Fires
The requirements for the term papers are as follows:
• The body of the reports will be at least seven (7) pages, double-spaced and type written
• Term paper will be in Adobe Acrobat Format (.pdf)
• The report will have a minimum of four (4) references in the bibliography.
• References may include: textbooks, magazine articles, newspaper articles, reference books
• (encyclopedia, dictionary) and electronic media (Internet material)
• Grading of the report will be based on content, grammar, and proper use of citations and reference to the CITATION AND REFERENCE section below.
All references should follow the American Psychological Association (APA) Guide Sixth Edition, 2010
Ø Overall Format
• Use 1-inch margins at the top, bottom, left, and right of every page.
• Double-space all text.
• The preferred typeface is Times New Roman, with 12-point font size.
• Page Header Contents
– Running head – content at the top left of each page, written in all capital letters.
– Page Numbers – content at the top right of each page.
Ø Direct Quoting
All direct quotes of print sources must be cited with author’s last name, year, and a page number immediately following the end quotation mark.
• According to Smith and Jones (2019), “the gender difference was not significant.”
• For six or more authors, you can use “et al.” after the first author for all citations in the body of the paper, including the first citation. On the reference page, you must list them all if there are three to seven authors.
• Don’t refer to “the article.” Refer to the authors. For example, do not say, “in the article it was found . . .” Instead, say “Smith and Brown (2018) found. . .”
• When citing, use only the author’s last name. Do not put first name, title of article, where the author works, etc.
• If there is no author, the article title comes first, and if there is no date, use the abbreviation n.d.
o Fuel of the Future. (2017). Retrieved from https://www.economist.com/
o For in-text citations, (“Fuel of the Future,” 2017).
Ø Reference Page
• On a separate page, center the word References, capitalizing only the “R”. The word “References” is NOT in bold, underlined, or in bigger font.
• Double-space after the title, References, and double-space the citations. List the references in alphabetical order according to the first author’s last name. For more information, refer to Lloyd Sealy Library, An Overview of Common Citation Styles