Epidemic Disease


Epidemic Disease in History Book Review Slack, Paul. Plague: A Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford U. Press, 2012.  Select one book on a historical topic for your review. It must be non-fiction. It must also fall within the chronology and subject matter of the course and relate to one of the topics listed in the syllabus. See the Bibliography (under Course Documents) on the web site (you cannot do your report on the texts). You are not restricted to the Bibliography but must get approval for a book that is not.   Please be sure to select a book on a specific subject that interests you. Also, be sure of the availability of the book (check library and Amazon).  You will be required to hand in a 4-5 page (must be typewritten double-spaced) report plus cover page. There will be instructions posted for on-line submittal. See the requirements for the book analysis below.      1. On a separate cover sheet-Author, title, city published, publisher, date, your name, the course title, and my name.  If you leave off the cover sheet with the required information I will deduct five points.          2. The purpose, aim, or goal of the author-What is he or she trying to prove or show? (simply to say an entertaining story is not sufficient). An author may have more than one aim or purpose.  For example, J.H. Parry, in The Age of Reconnaissance, a book about European explorations of the world in the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries, had as one of his purposes the tie in with technical advances in map-making, navigation, and ship-board technology with European successes in world exploration.  A result was that European superiority in ships gave her dominance in this area.  Parry, therefore, spends much of his book on map-making and shipbuilding technology.      3. A synopsis of the book-or what is it about.  This should be the longest part of the book review.      4. A few words about the sources-what does the author base his information on (look at footnotes and bibliography)-were they primary documents or secondary sources or both?  Provide a few examples,      5. In your opinion, did the author succeed or fail in his major purposes or aims in writing the book.      6.  Spelling, grammar, and proper English usage count so review what you hand in.      7. The report is due November 23rd. Anything later will be penalized and failure to submit a report by the final exam will result in a two-grade drop in your final grade. You may submit an earlier draft by November 4th to which I will grade but give you an opportunity for resubmittal.

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