Evidence-based practice paper

This is for my Masters of Social Work, Substance Abuse Treatment. This CANNOT be plagarized or copywritten, must be ‘original’ work.

I want a paper written about evidence-based practice/theory of Motivational Interviewing and its effectiveness on young adults ages 18-25 who have Substane Use Disorder.

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Evidence-based practice paper
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Graduate students will be required to complete a 5-6 page paper tat includes evidence-based theory in a practice situation with a client/population receiving substance abuse treatment.

The paper will include the following components:

-definition of the population (identification, evaluation, and assessment),

-ethical issues

-prevalence among at-risk population

-evidence base for identified treatment model

-All papers should be formatted via APA guidelines and reflect assigned readings and relevant research literature.

-You must utilize at least five (5) evidence based literature references.

(It is important to not exceed the page # parameters; use one inch margins on all sides; follow current APA guidelines; use Times Roman 12pt font and utilize appropriate sentence structure and grammar to avoid deduction of points available for this assignment).

Late papers will not be accepted.

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