Formal Thesis Driven Essay

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1) Discuss betrayal in Dante’s Inferno, and in the Arabian Nights. Explain what it is and why it is wrong. Compare and contrast no more than two examples from each work. Explain what type of betrayal they are, and how they are being treated or punished. Make sure to discuss and to include explicit evidence from the texts of analysis.

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2) Compare and contrast the roles of Virgil and Shahrazad, respectively, in Dante’s Inferno, and in the Arabian Nights. Make sure to discuss and to include explicit evidence from the texts of analysis.

3) How is storytelling “salvific” (healthy, able to save people) in The Arabian Nights and in Dante’s Inferno? That is, in what way do stories help or save Dante, King Sharayar? (Do the stories help them psychologically, morally, or both?) Make sure to discuss and to include explicit evidence from the texts of analysis.

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