How Does It Work

Describe what real world scenario that are you addressing. This should not be a homework problem from the textbook, but rather a place that you see physics impacting life in an arena that is important to you. This must fully describe your scenario, as well as why it matters, to you or to a broader group. Examples: lasik eye surgery; radiation therapy for cancer; paleomagnetism; solar panels; MRI.
In other words, what books, web pages, and other resources did you use to find the problem and determine why it is important. A small amount of research is called for, and you will need to footnote/provide end notes.
Next – I want an image, diagram, or a short video clip, and a verbal description of the scenario/problem. What are we trying to solve? Give some background information about the problem. Include anything you may have assumed, anything you had to measure.
If you cut and paste or otherwise plagiarize – including giving me a project which is footnoted, but is mostly a collection of quotes – you will fail the course.
Writing uses proper grammar and spelling.
Communication is clear and concise and easy to read. Use professional writing, not as if you are talking to a friend.
Written, oral and mathematical communication connects ideas and math together in a seamless discussion.
You will address, in words and in equations, how the physics we are learning this semester impacts your scenario.
Appropriate projects will require you to connect multiple steps or concepts (ideally, across multiple units from this class).
Your project should address the cause and effect connections of each step from start to finish. In other words, explain how you know what to do, each step of the way. You should be addressing the reasoning of going step by step.
You will address the concepts involved, and describe the connected phenomena verbally.
You will also connect your verbal explanation to the mathematical equations that are appropriate.
Use of more than one of the “big ideas”: electric forces and fields, circuits, magnetic forces and fields, waves, light, atoms/nuclei, and more.

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How Does It Work
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