In a scholarly community, critique is an important process that fosters the spread of ideas and information, improves quality of work, and encourages academic discourse. Critiques should be grounded in academic knowledge, current literature, and professional experience rather than unsupported opinions.

In a scholarly community, critique is an important process that fosters the spread of ideas and information, improves quality of work, and encourages academic discourse. Critiques should be grounded in academic knowledge, current literature, and professional experience rather than unsupported opinions.

In test development specifically, experts may be called upon to write items for a test or to critique the items written by others. In this Discussion, you have the opportunity to share the test items you developed in Week 5 with your colleagues and provide constructive feedback on each other’s work. As you review your colleague’s items, think about how well the items measure the construct and whether the items are clear and unambiguous.

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In a scholarly community, critique is an important process that fosters the spread of ideas and information, improves quality of work, and encourages academic discourse. Critiques should be grounded in academic knowledge, current literature, and professional experience rather than unsupported opinions.
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With these thoughts in mind:

Post by Day 3 the test items you developed in Week 5 (attached) and a description of the construct that you are measuring. Then provide constructive feedback to two of your colleagues about their test items, including potential suggestions for revision.

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