In your assessment, are the Renaissance and the Reformation a sharp break with the medieval period, or are they a continuation of the Middle Ages?

In your assessment, are the Renaissance and the Reformation a sharp break with the medieval period, or are they a continuation of the Middle Ages?

Your answer must be 3.75 to 4.25 pages, double spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins at all sides.You must have a main thesis supported by an extended argument.Papers shorter or longer than the assigned length will receive no more than a 70 as a grade. Late papers will not be accepted.

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In your assessment, are the Renaissance and the Reformation a sharp break with the medieval period, or are they a continuation of the Middle Ages?
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Additionally, you must cite information that you get from Backman’s own analysis and text or from your class notes.THOSE CITATIONS DO NOT COUNT TOWARDS YOUR SIX REQUIRED SOURCES.

These essays require that you weave together all elements of the material we have used in the class:class discussion, the textbook, and the sources.A well-written essay will use all three of these elements.A response that relies on only one of these elements will not be very successful.An essay that is narrative in nature (that traces the course of historical development of a civilization, for instance) will not be a high-scoring paper.You need to analyze, not narrate.

Plagiarism is a serious academic offense.If I find evidence of plagiarism in your work (whether one sentence or the entire essay), you will receive a zero for the assignment.Save all drafts of your essay and notes that you used in preparing it.If I have questions about whether the work is yours or not (whether plagiarized from a website or text, or a purchased essay), these notes will help you prove your case.

You may use the Writing Center to troubleshoot your drafts.Indeed I encourage you to do this.However, the work you do must be your own.

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