Just adding 4 paragraphs to essay on the women hanging from the 13th floor by Joy Harjo Directions

Just adding 4 paragraphs to essay on the women hanging from the 13th floor by Joy Harjo


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Just adding 4 paragraphs to essay on the women hanging from the 13th floor by Joy Harjo Directions
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Add three NEW body paragraphs to essay #3, and resubmit as one essay (total 9 paragraphs).

Your job in these three new paragraphs is to find a new article on the text you studied in Essay #3. This new article must use a different type of literary theory than the one you explored in Essay #3. Use these 3 body paragraphs to prove this article is using the WRONG APPROACH.

Remember that in essay #2 you examined a short story, novella, or novel. Then you choose one type of critical theory from the list on page 2 and applied it to several different parts of the literary work. You consulted several academic essays from the Pierce College Library Databases.

Essay #4 combines that work with a refutation that proves someone else wrong.

Be sure to re-alphabetize the works you cited on the Works Cited page.

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