Q1)For the scenario below, write 2–3 paragraphs describing a plan for research, considering the following: extent of research (how long it will take; roughly how many sources are needed), types of sources and where you will locate them, and presentation method (e.g., will you write a 10-page article, a PowerPoint presentation, etc.?). Remember that a “source” does not have to be something that already exists in print; it could be a conversation, an email, etc. Be as specific as you can while keeping within the time limit.

Q1)For the scenario below, write 2–3 paragraphs describing a plan for research, considering the following: extent of research (how long it will take; roughly how many sources are needed), types of sources and where you will locate them, and presentation method (e.g., will you write a 10-page article, a PowerPoint presentation, etc.?). Remember that a “source” does not have to be something that already exists in print; it could be a conversation, an email, etc. Be as specific as you can while keeping within the time limit.
Your task is to give a proposal to the upper administrators at your organization, convincing them that they should implement a program that is already used in many comparable organizations. The administrators receive many similar proposals every week, and therefore they have little time for reading. You also know that they tend to be more convinced by numerical data than by narrative data.

Q2)For the scenario below, write 2–3 paragraphs describing a plan for research, considering the following: extent of research (how long it will take; roughly how many sources are needed), types of sources and where you will locate them, and presentation method (e.g., will you write a 10-page article, a PowerPoint presentation, etc.?). Remember that a “source” does not have to be something that already exists in print; it could be a conversation, an email, etc. Be as specific as you can while keeping within the time limit.

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Q1)For the scenario below, write 2–3 paragraphs describing a plan for research, considering the following: extent of research (how long it will take; roughly how many sources are needed), types of sources and where you will locate them, and presentation method (e.g., will you write a 10-page article, a PowerPoint presentation, etc.?). Remember that a “source” does not have to be something that already exists in print; it could be a conversation, an email, etc. Be as specific as you can while keeping within the time limit.
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Your task is to produce a tribute to a retiring employee who has been with your organization a long time and made many significant contributions to it. You have no limitations as to the format of the tribute, but it is expected to be thorough, representing the wide range of the retiring employee’s contributions.

Q3) For the scenario below, write 2–3 paragraphs describing a plan for research, considering the following: extent of research (how long it will take; roughly how many sources are needed), types of sources and where you will locate them, and presentation method (e.g., will you write a 10-page article, a PowerPoint presentation, etc.?). Remember that a “source” does not have to be something that already exists in print; it could be a conversation, an email, etc. Be as specific as you can while keeping within the time limit.

Your task is to give a prospectus to a potential client who has not yet decided to use your service but who wants to see an example of your work, along with projections of how much you will charge, how long the project will take, etc. The catch is that you have never provided this exact service before, so you will need to find out how others have done it.

Q4) For the scenario below, write 2–3 paragraphs describing a plan for research, considering the following: extent of research (how long it will take; roughly how many sources are needed), types of sources and where you will locate them, and presentation method (e.g., will you write a 10-page article, a PowerPoint presentation, etc.?). Remember that a “source” does not have to be something that already exists in print; it could be a conversation, an email, etc. Be as specific as you can while keeping within the time limit.

Your task is to summarize the existing discussion on a controversial issue, and to do it in a way that non-specialists (e.g., your students if you are a teacher, your church members if you are a pastor, newspaper readers if you are a journalist) can have a basic understanding of the issue after hearing only one lecture/sermon/presentation or reading one article about it.

Q5)For the scenario below, write 2–3 paragraphs describing a plan for research, considering the following: extent of research (how long it will take; roughly how many sources are needed), types of sources and where you will locate them, and presentation method (e.g., will you write a 10-page article, a PowerPoint presentation, etc.?). Remember that a “source” does not have to be something that already exists in print; it could be a conversation, an email, etc. Be as specific as you can while keeping within the time limit.

Your task is to create a treatment recommendation for a patient, a counselee, a student with special needs, etc. The recommendation should be comprehensive, taking into consideration the subject’s background and current needs, best practices within your field, and the policies and resources of your organization.

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