The Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy

Students are expected to write a ca. 6 page paper, at least 15 references, on a selected religion/spirituality measuring tool (See Pargament, 2007, pp. 234-236):

1/3 general presentation of this tool,

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The Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy
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1/3 existing research with use of this tool with at least two concrete examples,

1/3 personal estimate of strengths and weaknesses of this tool for assessment of client’s spirituality.

APA style.


→ The points will be granted for ability to provide overview of the current literature regarding topic (10 marks),

→ ability to identify a relevant practical question or issue that needs to be addressed (10 marks),

→ ability to critically analyze the literature and to propose a response to the selected issue (10 marks),

→ ability to write a paper in clear and concise way, pulling the essential elements (10 marks),

→ clarity and coherence of written work, references and APA style (10 marks)

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