Week6_Evaluate Choices for Statistical Tests


As the administrator of a research-focused healthcare organization, you are part of a research team that provides statistical consultation to providers and staffs conducting quantitative research in your organization. In preparation to conduct statistical analyses for several study hypotheses, a team of researchers approached you for guidance on the appropriate statistical test for the four different hypotheses before them. Based on these hypotheses (four scenarios below) what statistical test will you recommend and why?

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Week6_Evaluate Choices for Statistical Tests
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Scenario 1:

For hypothesis 1, the researchers are interested in assessing the relationship between an outcome variable (continuous) and an explanatory variable (categorical) where the explanatory variable is binary. What statistical test will you recommend for them and why?

Scenario 2:

For hypothesis 2, the researchers are interested in assessing the relationship between an outcome variable (continuous) and an explanatory variable (categorical) where the explanatory variable has three or more categories. What statistical test will you recommend for them and why?

Scenario 3:

For hypothesis 3, the researchers are interested in assessing the relationship between an outcome variable (continuous) and an explanatory variable (continuous). What statistical test will you recommend for them and why?

Scenario 4:

For hypothesis 4, the researchers are interested in assessing the relationship between an outcome variable (categorical) and an explanatory variable (categorical) where at least one of the variables has more than two levels. What statistical test will you recommend for them and why?

Length: 1-2 pages, not including title and reference pages

References: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly resources

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