
Read the Discussion Prompt below and compose a thorough response (150-300 words), free of grammatical errors and adhering to CMS formatting and citations. For best results, compose your discussion posts in Word, use word count, spell check and grammar check, then copy and paste your response into the discussion board. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Sunday. Review the Discussion Grading Rubric located in References for a complete description of how discussions will be graded.

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Submit your initial post by Wednesday, midnight (MST) and respond to at least two of your classmates by Sunday, midnight (MST)

Discussion Prompt/Question:

The English artist, William Hogarth (1697-1764) is best known for his works labeled “modern moral subjects,” which satirized contemporary life and customs in 18th century England.

In addition to your textbook reading, review Hogarth’s biography and description of his works on the website: William Hogarth Artble.

For your post, select one work or series of works to share with your classmates. Provide a description of the selected work(s) for your classmates and answer at least one of the following questions.

Many of Hogarth’s works are serialized. How is this form conducive to the formation of an individual’s character? Is the viewer able to make out a subject’s character in only one plate of a series? If so, what are the visual traits that lead one into forming a verbal description of someone’s character?
How does the Hogarth use satire to comment on class and taste in society of the time?
Hogarth is painting during the Rococo movement? Are any Rococo traits visible in his work?
In what ways did Hogarth gain commercial success not previously afforded to artists and what were his contributions to protecting the work of artists?
Many of Hogarth’s works are serialized. How is this form conducive to the formation of an individual’s character? Is the viewer able to make out a subject’s character in only one plate of a series? If so, what are the visual traits that lead one into forming a verbal description of someone’s character?
How does the Hogarth use satire to comment on class and taste in society of the time?
Hogarth is painting during the Rococo movement? Are any Rococo traits visible in his work?
In what ways did Hogarth gain commercial success not previously afforded to artists and what were his contributions to protecting the work of artists?





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